WHat to Expect

Whatever the reason is that your are seeking therapy for, it can be daunting, partly due to the stigma around mental health and wellbeing. If you get past your hesitation however, it can be a rich and rewarding experience. 

You can expect at the very least to be heard and listened to with empathy and understanding. To not be judged. At the very best you will begin to resolve your difficulties and heal your pain. You will begin to re-/gain autonomy i.e.  start showing up with confidence, effectiveness and potency when you interface with your life.

"People don't need to to be saved or rescued. People need knowledge of their own power and how to access it." Carolyn Myss

WHat Therapy is and Is Not

Therapy is not like taking a pill and the therapist is not a doctor. In the sense that therapy is not done to you and you are not a passive recipient. The therapist is not an expert on you: you are. You will therefore be an equal and active participant in your healing.  In that sense, TA therapy is a contractual method where therapist and client take joint responsibility to achieve the client's stated and agreed upon goals. If your goals aren't clear on the outset - that is fine too - we aren't always clear about what we want. The therapist is trained to help you clarify them as you go along.  The therapist will support you with care and understanding. She will do so with open and honest communication and invite you to do the same.

This website provides a good overview of the process and tells you what you can expect and how to choose the right therapist for you.

WHy THerapy?

For Mental Wellness as much as for Mental Illness


  • How Long does it take?

​Psychotherapy is not generally speaking a quick fix and the number of sessions varies from client to client. You can talk to your therapist and mutually decide on the time frame accounting for factors like nature of the problem and other constraints. 

  • How often do we meet?

This too varies from client to client depending upon the nature and needs that arise in the therapy space. Typically your therapist will meet you once a week.

  • What are the charges?

​Charges vary widely in the psychotherapy space. No one should have to deprive themselves of this support because they can't pay. You can check out Fees here

  • What if I miss a session?

Life happens, an occasional missed session is fine. Your therapist and you will mutually work out an understanding of when and how to negotiate this terrain in anticipation of, or post such an event. If there are several misses, then your therapist will probably bring this up in session to see what is amiss.

  • I don't live in Bangalore. How can I work with you?

I do see clients online. See response to next question. 

  • Can I work online? What are the benefits or disadvantages?

Yes, I do offer online therapy sessions.  Advantages are saving travel time, working from safety and comfort of your home esp if you are in different cities. Some clients however, are more comfortable and prefer in- person sessions.  I would say, it is a personal preference. Try it and see what works for you. Many clients do a mix of online and personal sessions. In person sessions offer the possibility of process work, which is often challenging to do online.

  • How do I know if you are the right therapist for me?

The best advice I have is a) do your homework i.e. research online. You can check our reference section for articles and sites on this matter. b) go with your gut instinct. Do I feel heard? Do I feel safe? Can I share my troubles with this person? Am I feeling a positive change or shift in my life outside the therapy space? Give yourself 2-4 sessions before making a final choice, unless something is very off right from the start. 

  • How do I prepare for the first session?

It sometimes helps to know what you want to work on when you first come to therapy. But even if you don't, your therapist is trained to help you identify and clarify what your goals may be. 

  • Will I become dependent on my therapist?

The whole goal of therapy is to help  you towards autonomy i.e build confidence, effectiveness and potency when you interface with life. Having said that, the process of arriving there may go through a temporary dependency phase. Secondly, this is your journey and you are an equal and active participant, rather than a passive recipient of treatment. 

  • What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

​There are areas of overlap but generally, counselling works on a very specific problem(s), with the Adult in the here and now: problem solving if you will. Psychotherapy is deeper work with your inner child as well as with your Adult here and now ego state.

  • What are your qualifications? What is your experience?

Please refer to our About page for details.

  • Can my therapist prescribe medication for me?

NO!! Your therapist CANNOT prescribe medication for you. Only a qualified medical practitioner, psychiatrist or doctor can.  

  • ​Can my therapist refuse to work with me?

Yes, a therapist is morally and ethically bound to  refuse to work with a client she does not feel competent or able to support. If this happens, you can ask for clarification. 


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Journey 2 Selfhood​

Transactional Analysis or TA

There are many different schools of therapy.  The one that I use was founded by Eric Berne of "Games People Play" fame. TA takes a positive view of human nature and is based on the following premises: 

  • People are okay

You and I both have inherent worth, value and dignity as people regardless of external factors like education, gender, social or economic status etc. Our concerns are valid and we are both deserving of respect. Your essence as a human being is OK with me, even though your behaviour may not be.

  • Everyone can think

With few exceptions we each have the capacity to think. Therefore it is our responsibility to decide what we want from life and we will then have to live with the consequences of those decisions. 

  • People can change  

We sometimes achieve change by insight into our old patterns of behaviour and sometimes we decide to pro-actively change those patterns: in so doing we make our own destiny. 

(Reference: TA Today by Stewart and Joines

A good introduction to T.A. in psychotherapy


These videos may help your understanding of psychotherapy.

More links on our reference pages


Journey2Selfhood © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

Have a question or doubt?

Happy to Support you in making the best choice for yourself. 


 God said “Love Your Enemy,” and I obeyed him and loved myself.

Kahlil Gibran